Hip Hop: "CTRL" / Kevin Maher

Hip Hop: "CTRL" / Kevin Maher

Join The Space TV special guest Kevin Maher in this powerful hip hop class that infuses lines, funk, and musicality. The message is strong and fearless, and the details are a must!
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Your Instructor: Kevin Maher
Assisted by Jovanni Soto
Music: "CTRL" M.I.A.

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Hip Hop: "CTRL" / Kevin Maher
  • Hip Hop: "CTRL" / Kevin Maher

    Join The Space TV special guest Kevin Maher in this powerful hip hop class that infuses lines, funk, and musicality. The message is strong and fearless, and the details are a must!
    Level: Intermediate/Advanced
    Your Instructor: Kevin Maher
    Assisted by Jovanni Soto
    Music: "CTRL" M.I.A.
